The DCMA is a department of the Department of Defense charged with ensuring that defense contracts are delivered on time and within budget. One of its functions is to monitor contractors’ performance on projects and the contrsctors’ use of project management systems to ensure that they adhere to established best practices.
To this end, it has published a 14-point Schedule Assessment Guide. Compliance with the fourteen points in this guide will ensure that project networks are constructed according to best practices, and that they are statused correctly. In addition, the guide includes metrics which bear on the probability of completing the project on time, exposing problems which might disguise the true projected completion date.
Establishing compliance with the guide can be done manually but this is time consuming and error prone. Barbecana’s Schedule Inspector automates the process and presents the results in the format required by the DCMA.
Schedule Inspector is not however limited to the tests in the DCMA guide. It applies a total of 30 tests, many of which can be customized.
To learn more about DCMA and our products, please contact us at 281-971-9825 .